

Due to the nature of the React, we cannot save a link to the node, because after each operation the link will be lost. We may also often need to dynamically do something with the node.

There are simple but powerful sets of rules for searching. In the basic API, almost all methods use these rules as the first argument in order to understand to which particular node to apply a specific action.

The simpliest example:

const favouriteNode = this.api.find('Favourite one')

The code above will try to find node that text equals to "Favourite one". Recieved argument will be transformed to:

const query = { text: 'Favourite one' }

Query variants:

  • Pass string. It is synthetic sugar to { text: "Favourite one' }

this.api.find('Favourite one') // => { text: 'Favourite one' }

  • Pass string (as id). Also it can be an id. It will automatically search by text or id at the same time.

this.api.find('myNodeId') // => { id: 'myNodeId' }
this.api.find({ id: /my_id/ }) // as RegExp

  • Pass RegExp object. It also searching by node text or id.

this.api.find(/Favorite/i) // => { text: /Favourite/i }

  • Pass object. It will compare by keys and check whether its values are equals.

List of defined values:

  • expandable

  • expanded

  • disabledCheckbox

  • disabled

  • checkable

  • checked

  • selected

    selected: true,
    // disabled: false,
    // expanded: true
    // and so on

Good example to find all expanded node (or vice versa). In the example we using findAll method. This method use the same rules as described on this page.

const expandedNodes = this.api.findAll({
    expanded: true

// collapse all expanded nodes
expandedNodes.forEach(node => this.api.set(node, 'expanded', false))

It's possible to pass custom property:

    mySuperProperty: true

  • Pass nested keys.

    'data.signature': /owner/

// Yeah, it also possible. 
// will try to find a node whose text of the second child is “Some child”
    'child.1.text': 'Some Child'

  • Pass special keys.

// node which doesn't has a children
    'isLeaf': true

// it's vice versa of { selected: true }
// or equal { selected: false }
    $not: {
        selected: true

  • Pass function

// node which doesn't has a children
this.api.find(node => {
    return node.mySuperProperty >= 100

Logical Query Operators

  • or

You just need to pass the above rules to the array.

this.api.find(['Item 1', 'Item 2'])

    { text: /item \d{2}\-n/, checked: true },
    { text: /subitem \d{2}\-n/, checked: true }
  • and

    'data.weight': 100,
    'text': /item/,
    'selected': true

Last updated